Then this weekend I was at Wal-Mart, which is always fun.

But that's besides the point. Guess what? They had this awesome "Munches Make Believe Band" T-Shirt -- You guys remember, the rock band that plays at Chuck-E-Cheese!!! They're awesome, they have thousands of screaming fans. And when I say screaming fans, I really mean screaming fans. Nevermind they are all under 3 feet tall. I had to have it. I had to show E. I was going to tell her that I joined the band. Naturally, I assumed that I was in for some Hot Groupie Sex. (Animatronic Hot Groupie Sex, but whatever. I'm not picky.)

I walked in the door, and E was sitting at her kitchen table scrapping. I tossed my coat onto the sofa, puffed out my chest, and said "Check it out. I'm now in a band!" I held out my arms, closed my eyes, and braced for impact, anticipating that E would at any moment tear off her clothes, and hurl her naked body at me in an uncontrollable fit of lust. After a few minutes, and a complete lack of impact (lust-filled or otherwise) I peeked. E was still sitting calmly at the table scrapping away. No heavy breathing, no obvious signs of Rock Star filled lust… for that matter, she was not even looking at me. She was just sitting there scrapping like I wasn't even in the room. I noted aloud that I was still vertical and clothed, to which she replied that since it was a fictitious band, I must be waiting for fictitious groupies. *sigh*
I like her....she's whitty and I like whitty!!
Just be careful with those fictitious groupies....I hear they like to attack at night, while you're sleeping....
That shirt rules and she can never take that away from you.
Beej goes nuts over JBJ, why? I guess she likes those sissies.
Better get back to the bedroom with the full length mirror and your Air Guitar, air bagpipes, or air kazoo, then...
There's obviously something wrong with E if she couldn't feel the hotness eminating from you in your cool new shirt. Or... more likely, you have met your match. Quick! Marry that girl!
You need to play guitar too, otherwise you just look like a roadie. :-)
Maybe a big stuffed mouse head will do the trick. No?
Where was I? I think I'm still stuck back when Chuck E. Cheese was Showbiz pizza and Billy Bob was the band leader! What did I miss? LOL!!
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