Illinois 41, Northwestern 22
#2 - I've got another song stuck in my head. At least this time it's one I don't mind having there. It's "Into the Night" by Santana, who in my opinion is the best guitar player in the world. On this song, Chad Kroeger of Nickelback fame is singing lead vocals.
#3 - It's time to get political, and for Average Joe to officially endorse a candidate. But before I do that, did anyone else watch the Democratic debate on CNN the other night? It took 15 minutes for Wolf to speak to anyone besides Hillary, Obama, or Edwards. That's such as shame because it's proof positive that the media is controlling the show. No wonder the big three are the frontrunners, nobody else gets to speak nearly as much! Anyway, there is only one candidate that has proven to me that he has the Foreign Policy experience and the international clout to handle the mess that the incoming President is going to inherit from Bush. That candidate is Joe Biden. All the other candidates admit it too:
Kucinich, Richardson, and Gravel are way too Liberal. Edwards is living in a fantasy land, Obama proved again the other night he is not quite ready for prime time, and I'm not convinced that Clinton isn't as power hungry as Bush is. That only leaves Dodd as a viable alternative for me. But he's got white hair. And he looks too much like Phil Donahue.
And speaking of Phil Donahue, did you see him smack around Bill O'Reilly the other day? I had never seen that side of Donahue before. Great stuff!
That was the best job putting a TV host in his place since John Stewart singlhandedly beat down the Crossfire guys so bad that the show was cancelled shortly thereafter and Tucker Carlson was fired. Here's that clip if you want a trip down memory lane. It's 14 minutes long, but if you've never seen John Stewart outside the Daily Show, it's worth every minute.

I've read a few bloggers who just LOVE John Edwards, but here in NC we know better, don't we?
I've supported Joe Biden from the git-go!
it's nice to find out that there are others that recognize his talent and experience.
I have no opinions on football or politics (none that I care to voice, anyway.) But I am behind you 100% on that Santana song. The first time I heard it, my blood started pumping and I was hooked!
I guess Terri would hate, hate, hate my blog then. I have some help on your choices of candidates over at my blog, Joe, if you are interested. Just keep in mind, I am trying to be funny, and you know that I fail miserably most times.
One other thing, Democrats have to understand is that O'Reilly is one of yours, he ain't one of us. And I certainly won't claim him.
He's a product of Levittown, went to requisite Liberal colleges, worked as a college professor, went into journalism, was on Inside Edition, and attended the Kennedy School of Government at Harvard after working on Inside Edition. He might appear conservative compared to most on television, but he is a Far-Far Leftist doing what he does for money and ratings. He has no beliefs at all and is not funny either.
I haven't even bothered to watch NU football since Fitz took over as head coach, granted, because of a sad situation.
I LOVED Stewart on crossfire! the BEST!!!! Tucker is such a...well, it rhymes with his name!
anyway, I am writing in Stewart-Colbert. No joke.
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