Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Halloween Costumes

The kids and I went shopping for Halloween costumes last night. And while the kids did not buy these chicken things, they were more than happy to try them on.

I apologize for the quality of the picture, but I used my cellphone since I didn't have a camera on me. Anyway, it reminded me of this old website, where you can give the chicken commands and he will obey whatever you tell him. Click on the image to give it a shot. Once it opens you can tell him to hide, or dance, or roll over, or whatever. He'll provide you with hours minutes of entertainment!


Logzie said...

Interesting video there...I told it to take off it's costume and it shook it's finger at me saying 'no, no'. Ha!!

About my Christmas Tree...it's only a countdown till Christmas to keep me focused so I don't wait till the last minute! By no means am I trying to skip any holidays especially my birthday, which is around Thanksgiving! Ha!

Anonymous said...

LOGZIE! You told it to take off it's costume! The most creative thing I thought of was to tell it to stand on it's head! Yes Joe, that was SECONDS of fun! LOL!