Thursday, August 21, 2008

Why I watch the Olympics

Specifically Volleyball.

Specifically Beach Volleyball.

Specifically Team USA.

Specifically Misty May.

Specifically Misty May's butt.


K-2-B-A-BNIT said...

WHATEVER!! Don't you have work to do, you perv?

Joe said...

Hey now.

You can blog about how you notice a "tight ass" at your work.

Why can't I blog about how I notice one on TV?

Fair is fair!

(Love you, baby!)

Abby said...

Okay, now I wouldn't know Misty May's FACE if I ever saw it.

Beth said...

One of these days, VURRY soon, I will have a 'Misty May' butt. That is my goal. I was telling someone just the other day... I want to have the body of a volleyball player... just a bit bustier. :D