Gone is my Azera in the trade, and after all the dust has settled not only did our payments go down, so did our insurance. In fact it looks like it went down enough to cover the added cost of gas. No, really!

K took the "Beast" (as it has now been named) to work today and shortly thereafter I got an e-mail letting me know how she loved how everyone moved out of the way for her. She also loved how she got to sit up high and look down on everyone else.
I'm guessing I'm not going to get to drive it very much...
Cool. Sometimes I wish I had a big vehicle, but economical doesn't exactly suck right now either. Every once in a while, I drive Mark's Silverado, just for a little power trip.
I love our hooptie. I am queen of the road!! All I need is some loud rap music and I am all set.
Looks big and gas guzzly, but I don't think you'd all fit in a Smart Car.
We have a big butt Ford Econoline van. Minivan? Been there done that. Never again.
a Ford Expedition huh. I should look into that, I didn't want a minivan either but I thought I had no choice, I hate the damn thing too, lol
by the picture you show, It kind of looks like my dodge durango (same color too) how I miss that gas guzzler :(
I'm all about "screw the environment" when it comes to big trucks. It must be a power thing for the ladies (especially for short people like me and my cousin Rita above :)
However, if your guy wins the presidency, you and K will go to jail for owning this monster. Oh, well, three hots and a cot are not too bad.
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