Friday, August 15, 2008

Off to the World Cup and then to Maryland

The six of us and the Beast are heading out shortly to visit some of my family in Maryland for the weekend. It will be the first time K gets to meet this batch of people, including my sister. K's all nervous, but she shouldn't be. If my family likes ME, then she has nothing to worry about. *grin*

Before we leave though we have to pick up the girls. They are participating in a soccer camp this week, and as part of it will be having a "World Cup" competition to close out the session. We don't want them to miss it. They have split all the kids into teams and given them each a different country to represent. DQ is playing for the Netherlands, and T2 represents Spain. It'll be fun to watch them play, but then we're going to have to toss them in the shower before we head on out. The last time the girls took their cleats off after a full day of soccer, we had to pull off to the side of the road and bail out it stunk so bad. We will NOT be spending 4-5 hours in a car with that stench...

Have a great weekend everyone!


Abby said...

OOH! K's gonna be in the hot seat!

My sons' bedroom perpetually smells like stinky soccer cleats... and they don't even play soccer.

Anonymous said...

Ooh, the summer sports camp stench. I am all too familiar. Football is the worst.

Hope you guys have a great trip and K doesn't stress out too much!