It's hilarious, and done with the proper amount of cheesiness. (And if cheesiness isn't a word, it's perfect for this post and this movie.) The premise is that in the future the human race is regressing into a bunch of retards because Darwinism doesn't apply to humans since we have no natural enemies. And without anything to thin the herd, stupid people breed at a much faster rate than intelligent ones (who naturally have less kids and wait for the perfect time and situation) and eventually overrun the world. 500 years from now, the entire population is made up of redneck Jerry Springer rejects with an average IQ of around 50.
This movie isn't going to win any awards, but the concept is brilliant. Go rent it.
Believe it or not, I saw it. And the premise has been long happening. Make the comparisons to today's government and I think that you can ascertain every one of the characters. The people follow junk science for their agriculture and future substenance. All viewing material is programmed by a central committee and everyone agrees. Government officials have the intelligence of brick mortar.
I didn't find the humor in it, though, because they tried to teach a moral to the premise that government could actually solve problems and people buy that incorrect premise, then they are happy when someone else solves their problems.
This movie is NOT fiction. Just saying. And Bean hated it.
Thanks, Joe. I've never heard of this and will have to get it now.
I think there's some truth in this premise. Have you ever watched Jerry Springer? Maury Povich? Those people breed like rabbits!
Joe - you mean there's a movie out there about my family and I didn't even know it? ha ha I'll never catch up to their breeding patterns b/c I consider myself one of the "intelligent" ones. And well, we're all Catholic so everyone's got at least a handful of kids to themselves. Thanks for sharing though - will have to check it out.
I MUST FIND THIS MOVIE!!!!!! I think it is true!
Sounds VERY funny! But I'm definately one of the intelligent ones right?...right???...dang it...answer me!! LOL!!!!
Isnt' it funny that anyone who would watch this (Jerry Springer rejects included) would never think THEY are the stupid ones? LOL!!!!
I am absolutely going to have to see this one!
Just checking in on still out there? No pressure...just making sure you're okay.
Yep, I think it's happening already, too. The amount of idiocy in this world is astounding.
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