Monday, August 13, 2007

Pop-Pop's 90th Birthday Party

Well, if you read my earlier post, you'll already know where I was this weekend. It was a great time, and virtually everyone made it. The only ones absent were the Sullivans from Connecticut who's daughter just had her tonsils out, one other cousin from Vancouver, and my two kids.

I tried to get them home from San Francisco in time to bring them with me, but their grandmother was visiting them for the week. My ex didn't want to bring the kids back until Saturday because they wanted the extra day to make sure they got to see everything she wanted to.

The bottom line is their maternal grandmother gets two out of the past 6 weeks with the kids, but they aren't willing to come home one day early so my family can see them for the party. But no, I'm not bitter. Especially with yesterday's fallout.

Anyway, enough negativity. Enjoy a few pictures courtesy of Dxxxxx!

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The entire gang!

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Generation Three, minus Jxxxxx and Nxxxxx who couldn't make it, and Axxxxxxx who wandered off and missed the picture.

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Pop-pop's cake

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Pop-pop with Mxxxx (the youngest of the crew) and Axxxxxx.

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