Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Things that make you feel weird

This weekend's soccer tournament had excitement off the field as well. In this case, it extended to the sidelines. K and her kids decided they wanted to come watch DQ's game on Friday night. I didn't think much of it since Barbie wasn't supposed to be there. Turns out Barbie's plans changed and she was.

Now you have to understand, Barbie and K have not met before. Barbie knew what K looked like since she's been to my house and seen the picture of us on my fireplace mantle. But K had never seen Barbie.

So gametime rolls around and I have the girls on one side of the field while all the parents are sitting on the other. K and her kids are all the way towards one side when I notice Barbie show up and plop herself down somewhere in the middle. I'm thinking "What the hell is she doing here?" Then to make things worse, DQ notices K and her kids had shown up and waves to them. And I notice that Barbie notices who DQ is waving at.


So now I'm trying to coach a game while thinking about all the worst case scenarios that could happen. Needless to say that I was distracted for the rest of the game. Then when the game ends I have to get the girls lined up for a handshake. As I look across the field, my heart drops into my stomach. Barbie went right over to K and struck up a conversation. And K had no idea that this was coming.

By the time I got over there, the introductions were already made and Barbie was on her way out of there. Turns out it wasn't so bad. K said Barbie was polite, but that she was still taken by surprise.

Anyway, Sunday rolls around and DQ has her 3rd place game at noon. K tells me that T2 wants to go watch DQ again. And K has decided to come because she doesn't want Barbie to think that she is only showing up when Barbie isn't supposed to be there. Since there wasn't any sort of animosity at their first meeting, I said fine.

I got there early with DQ for warmups on the far side of the field, and then about 10 minutes before the game starts Barbie shows up and sets up her chair on the parents sideline. Not 2 minutes later K and T2 show up as well. And to my utter surprise, K walks up to Barbie, says something, and then sets up her chair right next to her. That's not what I had envisioned when she said she wanted to go.

Now here I am, standing on one side of a soccer field watching my future wife and my ex wife sitting on the other chatting it up. It was an extremely unsettling experience to say the least...


Anonymous said...

Well the best thing would truly be if they end up staying on friendly terms. Obviously, there's more to this story, so I hope you'll be spilling the beans soon!

Anonymous said...

You know what, it would be a blessing if everyone could remain amicable - certainly best for the kids.

And isn't that what being "adult" is all about?

Kate said...

weird as it sounds, it could be so much worse right? now you've got to find out if they're dishing about you when you're not there to defend yourself - lol

Beth said...

Ooph! Talk about awkward!

At least they are making a positive effort. There is a lot to be said about that. It could be worse. They could be duking it out, scratching, biting and pulling hair on the sidelines. Maybe it isn't so bad afterall, eh?


Thanks for the love on my blog. :)

Anonymous said...

Think about how I felt sitting there next to Barbie. I'm a good actress and a goosd sport.