This little gem was found on McCain's own website up until about an hour ago. In it lies the single greatest piece of evidence that the McCain team is living in their own little fantasy world that they make up as they go along.
Neither he, nor Palin have a freaking clue.
UPDATE! He's been SELLING that ad around the internet. Check out this screenshot from the Wall Street Journal:
Apparantly, there's more.
There's a corrupted file in that annoying Snap pop-up. FYI.
I scored the debate to the Obamessiah, despite his problems telling the truth during the debate. I do believe that the election is his to lose unless the lawsuits against him lead to indictments really soon. And I do not count on that happening. Even though Kwame and Blagojevich are heading to the slammer and Rezco, Scruggs, Balducci, and Patterson are already there. If luck prevails, there will be no more Democrats on the outside to vote. One can only hope.
I believe Honey, you said yourself that McCain won the debate after watching the end of it laying in bed with me. Perpahs having a clairvoyant in the office isn't all bad.
Wai,t Joe said that McCain won? How telling, I said just the opposite.
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