Thursday, June 26, 2008

There are no words...

More stuff you simply can not un-see from

Yes, that's Mini-Me in a sex tape shot with his former live-in girlfriend at the couple's apartment. A third party has snatched up the tape and although no deal has been made, we hear dealer Kevin Blatt, who brokered the deal for Paris' video, is entertaining a $100k offer from SugarDVD to distribute the nastiness. I would have thought the tape was worth at least ONE BILLION DOLLARS.


Anonymous said...

I'm at work and can't watch, which is probably a good thing. I still can't get that scene out of my head of Mini Me riding around naked on his little scooter on an episode of The Surreal Life. His whole life is probably surreal.

Beth said...

Um. I really don't need to see that.
He looks like a little alien trying to probe a human.

Disturbing in the least.

Alas, little people are people, too.

Kate said...

ummm, now I am traumatized. He looks all green like an alien - ick!

GeekieChick said...

Oh, my...

Nope, I didn't need that image, either, and I didn't even watch the video...


Anonymous said...

Eeesh, at least it was only 25 seconds... MAKE IT STOP!

That girlfriend is either aroused or high. I'm thinking high.