Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Tagged by Beth...

I don't normally do these things, but since she asked really nicely...

Four Things

4 Films I’d watch again (in no particular order)
1. Shawshank Redemption
2. Jaws
3. The Godfather
4. Porn

4 Places I’ve lived:
1. East Meadow, NY
2. Boulder, CO
3. Champaign, IL
4. Raleigh, NC

4 T.V. shows I watch:
1. Friday Night Lights
3. How I met your mother
4. Boston Legal

4 Things to eat:
1. Mexican
2. Italian
3. Chinese
4. Hot Wings

4 Places I’d rather be:
1. In bed
2. Somewhere with palm trees
3. The Mediterranian
4. At the rink

4 People to tag:
1. ***censored***
2. ***censored***
3. ***censored***
4. ***censored***

I censored the tagged people (ok I didn't really censor their names, I just wrote ***censored***) because I don't want anyone to feel obligated to play along.


Anonymous said...

No particular order huh? Nice disclaimer when talking about porn

Anonymous said...

Hot wings - is that an ethnic group?

Paul Mitchell said...

Did you ever watch American Gangster?

And I can highly recommend "Reign Over Me." Watch that damn movie.