Thursday, April 24, 2008

That's a cold fridge!

Just go through the gallery and see for yourself!

Samsung Refridgerator

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

More Happy Passover

I want these Passover Ten Plagues Finger Puppets!

You can order yourself a set HERE.

Friday, April 18, 2008

Things you cannot unsee

Yes, it's 80 degrees outside today. Yes, there is nothing better than watching women walk around downtown Raleigh in little sundresses. There is, however, a downside. And that is the mini-skirt on women who have no business wearing a mini-skirt.

Welcome to my morning commute...

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Bush & Condi - The love story...

I'll be back with some real posting soon, but for now, enjoy...

Friday, April 11, 2008

Thursday, April 10, 2008

Random Ramblings

I found two more things wrong with K: She doesn't like The Doors. And she doesn't like Aerosmith. Hmmmm...

I told one woman at work I got engaged this morning. They had a party for me at the office 15 minutes later. With food and drinks. How they pulled that off, I have no idea.

It's my mom's birthday today. Happy Birthday mom. I'd have gotten her something, but she didn't invite me along on the cruise she is taking starting tomorrow.

K and I started house shopping this week. We've found the perfect neighborhood. Now we just have to clean up two houses, then stage two houses, then put two houses on the market, then sell the two houses, then buy the new house, then get moved into the new house, then get her kids registered for the new schools, all by next Thursday. (Or at least by the end of the summer.) Do you think we can do it?

Professor Layton and the Curious Village is the best game out there for the Nintendo DS.

I need to find out if Fix-a-Flat will work on lawnmower tires. I'll get back to you with the results.

Have you ever recently discovered $100,000 you had completely forgotten about? Me neither...

Friday, April 4, 2008

Nobody is perfect

As I have begun slowly spreading the news that K and I have gotten engaged, I've been getting lots of questions after I describe her to people. Usually it's "what's the catch?" or "She sounds too good to be true." And that got me thinking, what IS her flaw?

Well, it took a few days but I think I found it:

She stole my side of the bed.

I have always slept on the right side. (And when I was with Barbie, I was banished to the absolute right edge because while the bed was divided down the middle, if I got too close the middle line there might be some heat transfer and my body temperature was either too hot or too cold. But I digress.)

It's not that I have any problem with sleeping on the left side, but it's a creature of habit thing. And I don't even mind sharing. When I sleep over at her place, I am happy to take the left side since she's used to the right. But when she's at mine, does it work the other way around? Nope. I'm off the left again. And that side is farther from the bathroom. And has a worse angle towards the television. What's up with that?

So there you have it. She's not perfect. I've been robbed. Think I should complain?

Things I have learned today

Cottage Cheese isn't the best idea for breakfast if you are lactose intolerant. (I'll be right back...)

Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Tagged by Beth...

I don't normally do these things, but since she asked really nicely...

Four Things

4 Films I’d watch again (in no particular order)
1. Shawshank Redemption
2. Jaws
3. The Godfather
4. Porn

4 Places I’ve lived:
1. East Meadow, NY
2. Boulder, CO
3. Champaign, IL
4. Raleigh, NC

4 T.V. shows I watch:
1. Friday Night Lights
3. How I met your mother
4. Boston Legal

4 Things to eat:
1. Mexican
2. Italian
3. Chinese
4. Hot Wings

4 Places I’d rather be:
1. In bed
2. Somewhere with palm trees
3. The Mediterranian
4. At the rink

4 People to tag:
1. ***censored***
2. ***censored***
3. ***censored***
4. ***censored***

I censored the tagged people (ok I didn't really censor their names, I just wrote ***censored***) because I don't want anyone to feel obligated to play along.

Tuesday, April 1, 2008

The Tampa trip

Hmm, let's see. What happened down there?

K, T1, T2, and I went to the Tampa Aquarium. We watched a Tampa sunset over the ocean. We drank Pina Coladas. We visited the Ringling Museum. We ate out (a lot). We frequented a few drinking establishments. We went Ghost hunting. We sang Karaoke. (OK, so K sang Karaoke. I cheered her on.)

Oh, and we got to tell her friends and family that we got engaged.

April Fool!

Or not.

Take closer look at that picture and make your own determination. *grin*