First of all, I want to apologize for the lack of updates. I didn't get a chance to leave a post about the fact that I was going to Florida for Spring Break with K.
Anyway, I'm back now. Miss me? Or did you even know I was gone?
Back to the story. I had planned on taking my car to Tampa which had a lot to do with the reasoning behind me getting the 30K service done while my dash was being replaced. I was off work last Friday for Good Friday, and while running normal errands I had turned on my Air Conditioner only to notice it wasn't working. Considering it worked perfectly prior to this whole fiasco, I was less pleased than I was previously.
I called the dealership and told them that they needed to get my car fixed immediately because I would not be driving a car to Florida that didn't have any A/C. They hummed and hawwed a bit and went on about having other cars ahead of me so they wouldn't be able to get to me in time. Finally after I threatened a few people and reminded them that I was actually in there for service before any of these people and they needed to finish the work on my car before going on to someone else did they finally give in and get me a Saturday AM appointment.
Fine, whatever.
So Saturday morning I get over there, and after about an hour they tell me they discovered the problem was a blown fuse. They said that when they replaced the fuse the A/C started working again. I was glad it was something fairly simple so I got in my car and started home. I turned on the A/C to make sure it was working properly.
It did. For about 15 seconds. Then it stopped again.
I hadn't even gotten out of the dealership parking lot yet before I had turned around and went back. Figuring it was going to take a while, I had K come pick me up and we planned to return later that morning to get my car. Well, by 4pm the service department wasn't finished yet. I was more than pissed off and insisted they get me something else to drive for the trip. They came back and said they didn't have any loaner cars left and Enterprise Rent-A-Car was closed. I asked to talk to the manager so he came into the service area to tell me there was nothing they could do since I hadn't bought my car at that dealership.
That was not going to fly with me.
I let him leave the service area, then followed him back into the showroom where I told him that he was going to find me a car to drive. I said I really didn't care where I bought my car, the reason it was broken was because his service techs screwed up. And I told him that if he didn't find me a car, I was going to have a scene in his showroom where all his potential customers were going to hear about how he runs things in his service department.
He agreed to get us a car.
It took a while and calls to quite a few rental places but they found us one.
I told them I would be out of town for about a week and they needed everything done and finished, including the Electronic Stability Control sensor switch they broke previously, by the time I got back. They promised it would be.
So to make a long story short, I get several calls over the week updating me on the status - including the fact that they are replacing the entire A/C compressor because they blew it out testing things. At this point I didn't care what they did, I just wanted everything back perfect by the time I returned this morning. They again promised me it would be.
Yet when I got there this morning, it wasn't.
So once I leave work for the day I need to stop by there yet again to find out if it's finished. I'm really considering asking for a full refund for all the other work they did for this inconvenience. The only reason I might not is because the car they gave me to take to Florida was a Mazda CX-7 SUV. And damn if that thing didn't get 32mpg for the trip. That's incredible for an SUV and it saved me a bunch of money in gas, not to mention the fact that I didn't have to put 2000 miles on my car in a week.
It still doesn't make things right, but it helps...
Monday, March 31, 2008
Sunday, March 23, 2008
More Urology stuff
Warning: Way too much information ahead. If you don't wanna know, skip this post!
OK - I've satified the censors so now I can move ahead with the story. Last month I wrote about my Urology appointment, and earlier this week I finally got back into see him. The previous test results had come up clean, but there were still 8 or 9 red blood cells per part in my urine, whatever that means, so he decided he wanted to do a CT scan.
Thursday was the day. I get to the office and this nurse brings me back into the room. There's a giant donut looking machine in the middle, and a table next to it. The nurse looks at me and says I need you to drop your pants to around your knees and get up on the bed.
I do so, and she say "Put your underwear back on, I didn't mean that!"
Dammit. I tried...
She continued that she just needed my jeans lowered so the zipper didn't appear in the pictures. Anyway, I hop up on this table and the bed keeps sliding in and out of the donut - which in itself is pretty phallic if you think about it. The whole thing took about 10 minutes and I was out of there. They told me to show back up at 11 o'clock the next day to get my results.
So Friday I get to the office, and this time my doctor meets with me. He's got a laptop with him and he says "I have good news and I have some bad news." Bad news is nothing you ever want to hear come out of your doctor's mouth. I'm thinking cancer ridden bladder tumors that are going to cause my penis to fall of within the week.
He starts up the video of my CT scan results and says the "good news" is that the CAT scan looks perfect. He shows me my kidneys, my liver, my bladder. Everything. He says there's nothing out of the ordinary.
I'm like "Ok...... So what's the bad news?"
He said "Well, we still don't know what's causing the bleeding, so as long as you are here, we're going to do a cystoscopy."
"Holy Crap! Is that the thing where you shove an entire camcorder down my penis hole?"
"Yep. I told you it was bad news."
And then he called in one of his nurses to take me to another room he already had prepped. As she's walking me down the hall, she must have seen how white I looked, and she said "Don't worry, it isn't THAT horrible."
I just looked at her and said "I don't care how much emphasis you put on the word THAT, you still used the word HORRIBLE in connection with this procedure."
She said "I'm sorry, but it does suck..."
Anyway, she leaves me in this room and tells me another nurse will be there in a few moments to give me further instructions and prep. And a few minutes later this very young, attractive black woman walks in. She says "I need to take your off your pants and hop up on the table."
I was trying to put on a brave face by being a wiseass and said "Do I get to take off my underwear this time? The nurse that took my CT scan wouldn't let me!"
She said "Yes you do. Here's a blanket, I'll give you some privacy and you get yourself situated. I'll be right back."
So I strip off my clothes and hop up on the table and cover myself with the blanket. And a moment later the nurse comes back in. She says "Are you comfortable?"
I said I was, so she said "Good, I'm going to prep you now with some moist towellettes." Then she peeled back the blanket and started wiping off my crotch with them.
I said "You know, if I knew you were going to be doing that, I wouldn't have made you leave while I got undressed."
She said "I get that alot." as she continued to lift and readjust me as she wiped me down.
So I said "I'm sorry, but it's usually a lot more attentive when a woman is playing with it."
She said "I get that alot too. I'm used to it by now. It doesn't hurt my feelings anymore."
At which point my entire joke collection was shot. She sensed I was out of material and broke out some of her own. "Seen any good movies recently?"
I said "I bet you say that to all the guys."
"Yup, it helps break the ice while I attach the penis stand."
"The WHAT???"
"The clamp that's going to hold you pointed upward while the camera goes inside. It also helps me keep it in place when I inject the numbing gel like I'm going to do right now."
I looked down, and the only way I could explain the image was to think of a mini-basketball hoop that I was attached to, and then while I'm still grasping that idea, she's got this plastic syringe in her hand that she injected into the tip. Wow, that was an odd sensation. I'm not used to stuff going the other way.
After she was done, she said "It was nice meeting you" and she left. I never saw her again. But I think she went out into the hall and began pumping the Darth Vadar music over the loudspeakers. Because shortly thereafter the doctor came back in and said "Are you ready?"
I said "Would it help if I said NO?"
He said "No."
And then it began. And I won't blog about it. And I won't describe it. And all I can say is that thankfully it only took about 2 minutes. And when it was over he said "Everything looked OK."
Basically he said all he saw some calcified pockets that he would expect from patients who had previously passed kidney stones. He said that could be the cause, but he still didn't know. So for now he said not to worry about it. We'll revisit the issue in about 6 months.
Anyway, that's my story. For now...
OK - I've satified the censors so now I can move ahead with the story. Last month I wrote about my Urology appointment, and earlier this week I finally got back into see him. The previous test results had come up clean, but there were still 8 or 9 red blood cells per part in my urine, whatever that means, so he decided he wanted to do a CT scan.
Thursday was the day. I get to the office and this nurse brings me back into the room. There's a giant donut looking machine in the middle, and a table next to it. The nurse looks at me and says I need you to drop your pants to around your knees and get up on the bed.
I do so, and she say "Put your underwear back on, I didn't mean that!"
Dammit. I tried...
She continued that she just needed my jeans lowered so the zipper didn't appear in the pictures. Anyway, I hop up on this table and the bed keeps sliding in and out of the donut - which in itself is pretty phallic if you think about it. The whole thing took about 10 minutes and I was out of there. They told me to show back up at 11 o'clock the next day to get my results.
So Friday I get to the office, and this time my doctor meets with me. He's got a laptop with him and he says "I have good news and I have some bad news." Bad news is nothing you ever want to hear come out of your doctor's mouth. I'm thinking cancer ridden bladder tumors that are going to cause my penis to fall of within the week.
He starts up the video of my CT scan results and says the "good news" is that the CAT scan looks perfect. He shows me my kidneys, my liver, my bladder. Everything. He says there's nothing out of the ordinary.
I'm like "Ok...... So what's the bad news?"
He said "Well, we still don't know what's causing the bleeding, so as long as you are here, we're going to do a cystoscopy."
"Holy Crap! Is that the thing where you shove an entire camcorder down my penis hole?"
"Yep. I told you it was bad news."
And then he called in one of his nurses to take me to another room he already had prepped. As she's walking me down the hall, she must have seen how white I looked, and she said "Don't worry, it isn't THAT horrible."
I just looked at her and said "I don't care how much emphasis you put on the word THAT, you still used the word HORRIBLE in connection with this procedure."
She said "I'm sorry, but it does suck..."
Anyway, she leaves me in this room and tells me another nurse will be there in a few moments to give me further instructions and prep. And a few minutes later this very young, attractive black woman walks in. She says "I need to take your off your pants and hop up on the table."
I was trying to put on a brave face by being a wiseass and said "Do I get to take off my underwear this time? The nurse that took my CT scan wouldn't let me!"
She said "Yes you do. Here's a blanket, I'll give you some privacy and you get yourself situated. I'll be right back."
So I strip off my clothes and hop up on the table and cover myself with the blanket. And a moment later the nurse comes back in. She says "Are you comfortable?"
I said I was, so she said "Good, I'm going to prep you now with some moist towellettes." Then she peeled back the blanket and started wiping off my crotch with them.
I said "You know, if I knew you were going to be doing that, I wouldn't have made you leave while I got undressed."
She said "I get that alot." as she continued to lift and readjust me as she wiped me down.
So I said "I'm sorry, but it's usually a lot more attentive when a woman is playing with it."
She said "I get that alot too. I'm used to it by now. It doesn't hurt my feelings anymore."
At which point my entire joke collection was shot. She sensed I was out of material and broke out some of her own. "Seen any good movies recently?"
I said "I bet you say that to all the guys."
"Yup, it helps break the ice while I attach the penis stand."
"The WHAT???"
"The clamp that's going to hold you pointed upward while the camera goes inside. It also helps me keep it in place when I inject the numbing gel like I'm going to do right now."
I looked down, and the only way I could explain the image was to think of a mini-basketball hoop that I was attached to, and then while I'm still grasping that idea, she's got this plastic syringe in her hand that she injected into the tip. Wow, that was an odd sensation. I'm not used to stuff going the other way.
After she was done, she said "It was nice meeting you" and she left. I never saw her again. But I think she went out into the hall and began pumping the Darth Vadar music over the loudspeakers. Because shortly thereafter the doctor came back in and said "Are you ready?"
I said "Would it help if I said NO?"
He said "No."
And then it began. And I won't blog about it. And I won't describe it. And all I can say is that thankfully it only took about 2 minutes. And when it was over he said "Everything looked OK."
Basically he said all he saw some calcified pockets that he would expect from patients who had previously passed kidney stones. He said that could be the cause, but he still didn't know. So for now he said not to worry about it. We'll revisit the issue in about 6 months.
Anyway, that's my story. For now...
Wednesday, March 19, 2008
Fun at the car dealership
I got to work about 5 minutes late after fully expecting to be about an hour early because I just got back from the car dealership. Let me say this now, service departments everywhere just suck.
Last week I was getting into my car after lunch one day and something out of the corner of my eye just didn't look right. Glancing over to the dashboard on the passenger side, I see this 8 inch long slice along the top. It was perfectly straight and basically looked someone took a razorblade to it. My first thought was that when I get home, I was going to figure out which kid used my dashboard as a table when using an X-Acto knife to cut a school project. This was still a pretty darn new car and the responsible child would not reach their next birthday.
On the way back to my office I was just pissed. And I kept looking at the cut. But about halfway home, I realized that slice looked like it was right over where the passenger airbag would be. I remember thinking "that's strange." So I held off on my plans to kill one of my children and instead pulled into the car dealership about a block away. I get into the service department and when they ask me what's wrong, I said I may have a new one for you. My dashboard cracked. He said "over the passenger airbag area?" I said "Yes! So you've seen this before?" (More relieved that he didn't think I did it than bothered by the fact that cracking dashboards is a common thing.) He said "Not often - this is our 3rd one in about 2 years but it happens." He went on to say that it's fully covered by warranty but they'll need to order the replacement dash.
Then last Friday they called to tell me it was in so I made an appointment to come in first thing Monday morning. When I got there, I knew I needed an oil change and a tire rotation so I looked at their price sheet. Dealer prices are higher, but the car was already there and it would save me a trip. But then while I was looking at the sheets I realized the car was almost due for its 30K service. It was a bunch more money, but I plan to keep the car for a while so I had them do it since it included the oil change and rotation anyway. So I sucked it up and signed the order.
Anyway, 4pm Monday rolls around and I get a call from the dealer that the replacement dash had come in damaged and so they couldn't finish the car. They assured me they would have a new one in their hands the next day and they would get me a rental car to drive home. Once I said OK, they said they would call Enterprise Rent-A-Car to come pick me up at my office at 4:45 to get me my car. Well at 5:15 nobody showed up so I called Enterprise. They said there was some mistake. They said they told the dealership that they were out of cars and didn't have anything for me.
Thankfully I was able to bum a ride over to the dealer. I was greeted by one of the service guys who apologized for the inconvenience then walked away. I was like... "Umm, how am I going to get home now?" He told me they were trying to find other rentals but nobody seemed to have any cars left. I asked how come the dealer didn't have any loaners. He said "Oh, we do. But those are only for people who bought their cars from our dealership." (I had bought my car from a different dealership even though this place was closer because I had gotten a great deal from a friend.) Anyway, I was pissed and made him get me the manager, who after a bit of negotiation acted like he was doing me a huge favor. He said "Well, you're lucky - we don't normally do this, but I have one loaner left." It was a smaller car than I drive, but it would get me home. So whatever.
Then the next day I get a call from them that the dash came in late and they wouldn't have it done in time. Could I just come back this morning. Again, whatever. I had plenty of errands to run and I would just get them all done using their gas.
So this morning I get to the dealer and they pull my car around. I immediately notice the dashboard seam wasn't sealed. They didn't attach the trim in between the dash and the metal frame. Not only was it obviously very loose and saggy, but without it in proper position the parts would rub together and rattle. I dragged the service manager back out and pointed out their shoddy work.
So they pulled the car back in and spent 20 minutes fixing that. Then when they came back out, he said "Oh, one more thing. We accidentally broke your Stability Control Sensor and the light is staying on. We don't have a replacement in stock so we ordered you a new one and it will be here next week. But the good news is we have confirmed your stability control is still working though." I pointed out to him that since the Stability Control is turned on and off via a button on the dash, yet the light remains on all the time, how am I supposed to know if it's on or off even if it is working. He couldn't answer me. Fun, huh?
I said nevermind. Just call me when the part gets here. Then we went inside to pay for the other service and they wanted to do was to charge me full price for maintenance I had done. I said forget it, they owed me some sort of discount since it took them 3 days to do a job that should only have taken several hours and I have to come back again to fix the sensor. The manager said he couldn't offer a discount because "We didn't charge you for the loaner, and you weren't supposed to get one."
I was pissed again. "So that's supposed to make it OK, you aren't charging me for using a smaller car than my own? One that I would not have needed if you guys would had inspected the parts last week when they came in instead of waiting until you were going to put them on before you noticed they were damaged?" He said they never inspect the parts until they go to use them. And so I told him that's why they have these problems. So he talked to his manager and they knocked off 10%. Not much, but something. It just wasn't worth arguing for more...
Last week I was getting into my car after lunch one day and something out of the corner of my eye just didn't look right. Glancing over to the dashboard on the passenger side, I see this 8 inch long slice along the top. It was perfectly straight and basically looked someone took a razorblade to it. My first thought was that when I get home, I was going to figure out which kid used my dashboard as a table when using an X-Acto knife to cut a school project. This was still a pretty darn new car and the responsible child would not reach their next birthday.
On the way back to my office I was just pissed. And I kept looking at the cut. But about halfway home, I realized that slice looked like it was right over where the passenger airbag would be. I remember thinking "that's strange." So I held off on my plans to kill one of my children and instead pulled into the car dealership about a block away. I get into the service department and when they ask me what's wrong, I said I may have a new one for you. My dashboard cracked. He said "over the passenger airbag area?" I said "Yes! So you've seen this before?" (More relieved that he didn't think I did it than bothered by the fact that cracking dashboards is a common thing.) He said "Not often - this is our 3rd one in about 2 years but it happens." He went on to say that it's fully covered by warranty but they'll need to order the replacement dash.
Then last Friday they called to tell me it was in so I made an appointment to come in first thing Monday morning. When I got there, I knew I needed an oil change and a tire rotation so I looked at their price sheet. Dealer prices are higher, but the car was already there and it would save me a trip. But then while I was looking at the sheets I realized the car was almost due for its 30K service. It was a bunch more money, but I plan to keep the car for a while so I had them do it since it included the oil change and rotation anyway. So I sucked it up and signed the order.
Anyway, 4pm Monday rolls around and I get a call from the dealer that the replacement dash had come in damaged and so they couldn't finish the car. They assured me they would have a new one in their hands the next day and they would get me a rental car to drive home. Once I said OK, they said they would call Enterprise Rent-A-Car to come pick me up at my office at 4:45 to get me my car. Well at 5:15 nobody showed up so I called Enterprise. They said there was some mistake. They said they told the dealership that they were out of cars and didn't have anything for me.
Thankfully I was able to bum a ride over to the dealer. I was greeted by one of the service guys who apologized for the inconvenience then walked away. I was like... "Umm, how am I going to get home now?" He told me they were trying to find other rentals but nobody seemed to have any cars left. I asked how come the dealer didn't have any loaners. He said "Oh, we do. But those are only for people who bought their cars from our dealership." (I had bought my car from a different dealership even though this place was closer because I had gotten a great deal from a friend.) Anyway, I was pissed and made him get me the manager, who after a bit of negotiation acted like he was doing me a huge favor. He said "Well, you're lucky - we don't normally do this, but I have one loaner left." It was a smaller car than I drive, but it would get me home. So whatever.
Then the next day I get a call from them that the dash came in late and they wouldn't have it done in time. Could I just come back this morning. Again, whatever. I had plenty of errands to run and I would just get them all done using their gas.
So this morning I get to the dealer and they pull my car around. I immediately notice the dashboard seam wasn't sealed. They didn't attach the trim in between the dash and the metal frame. Not only was it obviously very loose and saggy, but without it in proper position the parts would rub together and rattle. I dragged the service manager back out and pointed out their shoddy work.
So they pulled the car back in and spent 20 minutes fixing that. Then when they came back out, he said "Oh, one more thing. We accidentally broke your Stability Control Sensor and the light is staying on. We don't have a replacement in stock so we ordered you a new one and it will be here next week. But the good news is we have confirmed your stability control is still working though." I pointed out to him that since the Stability Control is turned on and off via a button on the dash, yet the light remains on all the time, how am I supposed to know if it's on or off even if it is working. He couldn't answer me. Fun, huh?
I said nevermind. Just call me when the part gets here. Then we went inside to pay for the other service and they wanted to do was to charge me full price for maintenance I had done. I said forget it, they owed me some sort of discount since it took them 3 days to do a job that should only have taken several hours and I have to come back again to fix the sensor. The manager said he couldn't offer a discount because "We didn't charge you for the loaner, and you weren't supposed to get one."
I was pissed again. "So that's supposed to make it OK, you aren't charging me for using a smaller car than my own? One that I would not have needed if you guys would had inspected the parts last week when they came in instead of waiting until you were going to put them on before you noticed they were damaged?" He said they never inspect the parts until they go to use them. And so I told him that's why they have these problems. So he talked to his manager and they knocked off 10%. Not much, but something. It just wasn't worth arguing for more...
Tuesday, March 18, 2008
The best speech on race relations since MLK
The best speech on race relations since MLK was just given by Barack Obama. If you didn't hear it, please take the 30 minutes it takes to watch. You're watching history, and I believe you are watching the next President of the United States.
What is she saying to me?
K just sent me this e-mail:
Wine her. Dine her. Call her. Hold her. Surprise her. Compliment her.Smile at her. Listen to her. Laugh with her. Cry with her. Romance her. Encourage her. Believe in her. Pray with her. Pray for her. Cuddle with her. Shop with her. Give her jewelry. Buy her flowers. Hold her hand. Write love letters to her. Go to the ends of the earth and back again for her.
Show up naked. Bring chicken wings. Don't block the TV.
What does that mean? Am I supposed to be doing more? Or should I quit complaining if I wanted a beer and some bleu cheese to go with the wings?
Wine her. Dine her. Call her. Hold her. Surprise her. Compliment her.Smile at her. Listen to her. Laugh with her. Cry with her. Romance her. Encourage her. Believe in her. Pray with her. Pray for her. Cuddle with her. Shop with her. Give her jewelry. Buy her flowers. Hold her hand. Write love letters to her. Go to the ends of the earth and back again for her.
Show up naked. Bring chicken wings. Don't block the TV.
What does that mean? Am I supposed to be doing more? Or should I quit complaining if I wanted a beer and some bleu cheese to go with the wings?
Monday, March 10, 2008
Playmobil Security Check-Point

I was going to make a joke or two, but I couldn't come up with anything better than some of the comments already added...
From (Click link) Playmobil Security Checkpoint
Friday, March 7, 2008
Thursday, March 6, 2008
The downside to Disney
Yes, there is a downside to Disney. More specifically, there is a downside to Radio Disney. Radio Disney is one of the channels on Sirius radio. One of the channels I didn't know existed before K came along.
You see, K has Sirius radio in her car as well. And my life went downhill after DQ rode home from a restaurant with K and T2 one evening. K and T2 introduced DQ to this music station and they were all jamming out to it. The boys were in my car with me, and we spent the ride home watching them in the car ahead of doing their best impression the Bohemian Rhapsody scene from Waynes world. Anyway, since that day whenever DQ is in the car with me she is trying to switch my radio over to that channel.
This morning was no exception. DQ gets in the car with me and immediately switches the station to Radio Disney. Her school is only 3 blocks away so I didn't argue. I figure I'd switch it back after I dropped her off.
But I toned out the music and forgot.
I drive all the way to work with it on. It's only when I get to a traffic light by my office that I realize what I had done. I look over at the car next to me and it's some poor dude driving a mini-van. I give him the pity-stare that says "I feel your pain."
However to my surprise he's giving me that pity-stare right back. He catches the confused look on my face and says "You've got a pre-teen daughter too, huh?"
Yea that's right. I was sitting all by myself in my car with the window down listening to a Hannah Montana song.
That's embarressing...
You see, K has Sirius radio in her car as well. And my life went downhill after DQ rode home from a restaurant with K and T2 one evening. K and T2 introduced DQ to this music station and they were all jamming out to it. The boys were in my car with me, and we spent the ride home watching them in the car ahead of doing their best impression the Bohemian Rhapsody scene from Waynes world. Anyway, since that day whenever DQ is in the car with me she is trying to switch my radio over to that channel.
This morning was no exception. DQ gets in the car with me and immediately switches the station to Radio Disney. Her school is only 3 blocks away so I didn't argue. I figure I'd switch it back after I dropped her off.
But I toned out the music and forgot.
I drive all the way to work with it on. It's only when I get to a traffic light by my office that I realize what I had done. I look over at the car next to me and it's some poor dude driving a mini-van. I give him the pity-stare that says "I feel your pain."
However to my surprise he's giving me that pity-stare right back. He catches the confused look on my face and says "You've got a pre-teen daughter too, huh?"
Yea that's right. I was sitting all by myself in my car with the window down listening to a Hannah Montana song.
That's embarressing...
Tuesday, March 4, 2008
He didn't make his saving throw...
I suck at photography
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