So what can I talk about?
Well, how about I start with my bad haircut. I went in to get my hair done since the afro look wasn't working any longer. Normally I have them use a #3 set of clippers on the sides and then blend it in with the rest of my hair which are done with scissors. Well, while I was sitting in the chair she spun me away from the mirror so she could get to the other side of me without dragging the cord across my chest. Shortly thereafter I feel her run those clippers right across the top of my head. I never saw it coming. So now I could either leave this big stripe down my head or I could go with the buzz cut. Not much of an option either way.

What else can I talk about safely? Well, GB's birthday is coming up and he wants to take his friends to play paintball. Bad idea. I'm going to soooo wax his ass. Everything he's done wrong over the past year? He's going to pay for it on the field. The place uses yellow and blue paint for the two teams. I plan on being on the yellow team and having GB look like a giant banana by the time I'm through with him.
On a related note, Barbie and I decided against getting him any presents this year. Instead we're going to open him up his own bank account with his own ATM card. He's been very good at saving and managing his money. This way he can take it to the next level and learn some real responsibility in a controlled environment.
Next safe topic? Last weekend K and I took 3 of our 4 kids to the Durham Life and Science Museum. (K's daughter had a date with her dad.) The rest of us had a great time, and then afterwards we went back to her place and had a bonfire in her backyard.
Side note: If you're looking for extra things to throw on a fire and your neighbor still has their Christmas tree by the side of the road, it's not as good an idea as it sounds to steal it. And if you ignore this advice and decide to steal it anyway and put it on the fire, keep in mind that by late January the tree will be REALLY dead wood and the needles will burn faster and higher than you think they might. Just saying...
Here are a few pictures from the museum: