I got home from work last night after a long day and just felt like crashing on the couch for a bit with my feet up. It was one of those days where I didn't get up from my desk at all, yet it felt like I was running all over the place. So when I put my feet up and took my shoes off, I could feel them throbbing.
DQ had a something on the TV from the Discovery Health Channel and they were talking about therapeautic massage. And that gave me a really good idea...
"DQ, come here!"
"What dad? I'm doing my homework."
"Forget your homework. This is important!"
"OK, fine. What is it?"
"Give me a foot massage!"
"Ewww. Gross..."
"What do you mean, gross?"
"You've got that gross white spot on your toenail!"
"OK, so you don't have to do that part."
"Five bucks!"
"Deal!" (I was willing to go up to ten!)
So, I sat there and got the worst foot massage ever. She poked her finger into my arch. She twisted my little toe. She grabbed the tendon on the back of my heels. And three minutes later she declared herself done.
"Pay me!"
"Pay you? For that??"
"A deal is a deal. And if you don't pay me, I'm going tell mom you told me not to do my homework!"
Now since Barbie already has it down that I am not capable of doing anything right, this would be guaranteed to cause a fight. DQ has mastered the art of blackmail...
A short while later, I told the kids I would be right back, I needed to run to the store. DQ asked to go.
"Why do you want to go?" I asked.
"I want to spend my five dollars."
"First of all I'm just going to the grocery store, and secondly why don't you save that money? You can't get much with five dollars."
"I don't want to save this money. I didn't have it ten minutes ago. Besides, can't you go to Wal-Mart instead?"
"I don't want to go to Wal-Mart. I just need chicken, paper towels, and some milk."
"You can get that stuff at Wal-Mart. And I can go spend my money."
"No. I don't need to go to Wal-Mart. Save your money."
So, we're at Wal-Mart...
We walk in the door and DQ disappears off to the toy section and I head over to get my stuff. The problem with Wal-Mart is you can't go there and not buy stuff that wasn't on your list. So after I got the groceries, I'm walking over to the Toy department and pass a display with a good sale on Soda. And into the cart went two 12-packs of Coke Zero. Then I walked past Automotive. Which reminded me that I need washer fluid for the car. And into the cart went a gallon of that.
I find DQ in the toy section and she tells me she has her choices narrowed down to two. In one hand she has a stuffed Pokemon, and in the other is a pack of Candy Pop Girls. Neither were five dollars...
The first thing I said to DQ is that if I tossed the Pokemon doll onto the pile of stuffed animals in her room, she would never find it again.
"Good Point." And she put it away.
That left her with the Candy Pop Girls, which was about nine bucks.
"You don't have enough for that."
"I told you that you should save your money for something you wanted."
"But I want this."
"So, save up for it."
"But I want this now."
"You don't have enough for this now."
"Can I earn some more money when I get home?"
"What do you have in mind."
"I'll give you a backrub."
"I don't know if I want a backrub from you. Your footrub kinda sucked."
"That's because you have a gross white spot on your toe. I'll do a much better job."
"Sold. Put it in the cart."
(I love backrubs.)
Anyway, we're on our way over to the register and we pass an aisle already filled with halloween costumes. Halloween is six weeks away! It's becoming as bad as Christmas! But still, it reminded me that I had a brilliant idea for a halloween this year. Does anyone know where I can find a Sleestak costume?